Saturday, October 10, 2009

New Items in my Store!

Finally... a sunny day that I'm at home and had a moment :) I added a few things to my store. Please stop by and take a look!!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Strangely therapeutic

Not sure why... I've never been one to write in journals, now I wonder if I should. Why does writing in my blog feel like a sort of therapy to me. I was just looking over my blog and realized that on the day that my dog, Bandit, passed away, I actually wrote a blog post about it! The day is a bit of a blur to me... I don't recall thinking "hmmm... go write a post about this". Maybe I just wanted the world to know how sad I was... why did it matter that the world know though? Does the world knowing make it easier? Does having more people feel sad make it easier? It's interesting to me how therapeutic blog writing is. I'm sure if I google "why does writing in a journal make one feel better" I'd come up with a lot of answers... I won't google though. I'll ponder this thought until I come up with some ideas of my own.
(photo of a pretty flower at the park)